Megabass Slide-Sinker : Megabass Top Water เหยื่อ (Lure)
เหยื่อ (Lure) > Top Water > Megabass
Megabass Slide-Sinker
ความเห็น อ่าน ความเห็นล่าสุด
32 13,223 21 ก.ย. 58
แนะนำให้ใช้ ราคาซื้อเฉลี่ย
84.38 % ฿ 523
คะแนนด้านคุณภาพ คะแนนด้านราคา คะแนนโดยรวม
9.31 7.97 9.31
Megabass Slide-Sinker
ความยาว      7 cm
น้ำหนัก        7.6 g

Of course you can dog-walk the Slide Sinker as fast as DOG-X Jr., but when you stop retrieving it, that is when the two baits will come apart completely.  While the Jr. will stay put on the water surface, Slide Sinker will start to slide-fall slowly like an injured minnow. If fish hasn't struck the Slide Sinker yet, then start dog-walk retrieve while the bait is under the water. Slide Sinker will dart from left to right as if it tries to dog-walk in the water. And if you retrieve it hard it will rip the water surface just like a baitfish trying to escape from predator. In this sense Slide Sinker is subsurface rather than top-water dog-walking pencil bait. © 2024