* Propulsion Line Management System for superior casting & smooth retrieves
* Dyna Balance Anti-wobble System for enhanced sensitivity
* Paladin Gear Durability Enhancement to retain out-of-the-box smoothness
* Aero Wrap II Oscillation for preventing line twists, backlash, & wind knots
* Waterproof drag for consistently strong stopping power
* Features an aluminum frame with a graphite rotor and sideplate
* Includes two aluminum spools, one installed and one spare
* Machined aluminum handle with Septon grips for optimal control
* Features 5 shielded AR-B stainless steel bearings plus 1 roller bearing
* Fluidrive II system enhances the tight gear tolerances for efficient retrieves
* Super stopper II eliminates backplay for solid hooksets
* The Stradic spinning reel provides the ultimate in spinning reel performance