Designed using the philosophy of power, precision and performance... you'll appreciate everything the Shimano CX® Rear Drag Spinning Reel has to offer:
Graphite frame, sideplate and rotor
Diecast aluminum spool
Ported handle shank reduces the overall weight of the Reel
Varispeed™... an oval oscillation gear offers a consistent spool speed for an even line lay which results in excellent castability and manageability
Super Stopper® II is a 1-way roller bearing that eliminates backplay for solid hooksets, yet can be turned on or off to allow back-reeling
Dyna-Balance® system works as in balancing a tire, counterbalancing the rotor to eliminate wobble during the retrieve
Power Roller® II is an oversized line roller that reduces twist from casting and retrieving and is enhanced with a tapered area on the support to help line get onto the roller quicker.
Model Bearing Ratio Wt(g) Cap(lb/yds)
1000RB 1+1 5.2 235 2/270,4/140,6/110
2500RB 1+1 5.2 270 6/200,8/140,10/120