Yamanshita Egi Oh Q Live : Yamashita Egi (Squid Jig) เหยื่อ (Lure)
เหยื่อ (Lure) > Egi (Squid Jig) > Yamashita
Yamanshita Egi Oh Q Live
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12 2,360 19 พ.ค. 67
แนะนำให้ใช้ ราคาซื้อเฉลี่ย
100.00 % ฿ 354
คะแนนด้านคุณภาพ คะแนนด้านราคา คะแนนโดยรวม
9.17 7.33 8.75
Yamanshita Egi Oh Q Live
Shallow Type
The slower sink rate lets the jig appeal to the squid for a longer length of time and is ideal in shallow water.

Basic type
The body shape is examined closely in consideration of "Lose one's temper" of "Subsidence balance" that the squid gets on easily and the "shakuri"action.

Deep type
At dificult conditions like strong wind, strong current or deep areas, Deep type is very suitable.  It is easy get jig down to the range of the squid and hold that position.

Size  Weight  Sinking Speed
Shallow Type
3.5"  19g  5.0-6.0sec/m
Basic Type
2.5"  10g  5.0-5.5sec/m
3.0"  15g  3.5-4.0sec/m
3.5"  20g  3.0-3.5sec/m
Deep Type
2.5"  11g  3.0-3.5sec/m
3.0"  17g  2.6-3.0sec/m
3.5"  22g  2.3-2.7sec/m

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