Yamashita Naory RH : Yamashita Egi (Squid Jig) เหยื่อ (Lure)
เหยื่อ (Lure) > Egi (Squid Jig) > Yamashita
Yamashita Naory RH
ความเห็น อ่าน ความเห็นล่าสุด
5 1,174 21 ธ.ค. 57
แนะนำให้ใช้ ราคาซื้อเฉลี่ย
80.00 % ฿ 340
คะแนนด้านคุณภาพ คะแนนด้านราคา คะแนนโดยรวม
8.60 7.40 8.00
Yamashita Naory RH
Shallow type
The slower sink rate lets the jig appeal to the squid for a longer length of time and is ideal in shallow water

Basic type
The small profile of the Range Hunter will sink to the bottom quickly.  Never before has a small profile jig been able to effectively fish deeper water.

Deep type
At dificult conditions like strong wind, strong current or deep areas, D type is very suitable.  It is easy get jig down to the range of the squid and hold that position.  The castability of the D type is the most superior in the Range Hunter series.

Size  Weight  Sinking Speed
Shallow Type
1.5"  3.0g  2.5-3.0sec/m
1.8"  5.0g  1.8-2.2sec/m
2.2"  6.5g  1.8-2.2sec/m
Basic Type
1.5"  3.5g  5.0-5.5sec/m
1.8"  5.5g  3.0-3.5sec/m
2.2"  8.0g  2.2-2.7sec/m
Deep Type
1.5"  6.0g  40cm/sec
1.8"  8.0g  50cm/sec
2.2"  10.5g  50cm/sec

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