DUO Beach Walker Vibe : DUO Crank Bait เหยื่อ (Lure)
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DUO Beach Walker Vibe
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DUO Beach Walker Vibe
100mm, 21g, Sinking, Tight Vibrarion, ST46 #6

A special vibration which will change the Flounder game strategy

Although the body is downsized, one can still get great carrying distance while casting. The vibration lure can accurately scan the bottom, as is necessary for flounder fishing.  The Beach Walker Vibe 100 will come into its own in difficult situations. Its casting distance will exceed the angler’s expectations; the initial swimming response is great too. The lure’s tight vibration action can be felt while reeling in. This user friendly lure is of great advantage to anglers in the flounder game, particularly when one has to search a large area of surf.

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