IMAKATSU Flappin' Sonic : IMAKATSU Spinner/Spoon/Blade เหยื่อ (Lure)
เหยื่อ (Lure) > Spinner/Spoon/Blade > IMAKATSU
IMAKATSU Flappin' Sonic
ความเห็น อ่าน ความเห็นล่าสุด
2 3,374 27 ต.ค. 53
แนะนำให้ใช้ ราคาซื้อเฉลี่ย
100.00 % ฿ 0
คะแนนด้านคุณภาพ คะแนนด้านราคา คะแนนโดยรวม
9.00 8.00 9.00
IMAKATSU Flappin' Sonic
Length 1.4inches Weight 2.6g
Length 1.4inches Weight 1/8oz
Length 2.1inches Weight 1/4oz
Length 2.6inches Weight 3/8oz
Length 2.6inches Weight 1/2oz

FLAPPIN'SONIC is revolution metal vibration with conceptual flap design. With the long casting ability of metal vibs, expanding the sharp vibrations with flashing effects by its flap tail. The bait like silhouette will react as impact by your rift & fall rod actions. Leaving the same falling speed, constant move or wave motion by flap tail will push out the bass even in toughest conditions.  From its visual, flashing effect, and wave motion by flap tail, revolutionary metallic lure will be your ultimate choice in tough field conditions. © 2024