Palms Grandspy Spinning : Palms Spinning คัน (Rod)
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Palms Grandspy Spinning
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Palms Grandspy Spinning
Designed with the Professional angler Papa Otsuru, for the keen anglers.

    We pursued the ideal jigging rod for years, the highly sensitivity to get the information in the water as much as possible and the strong power to lift the fish. After much field test, we were able to find our answer. Grandspy is here.

Model No. Length Piece Power Lure PE Rod Wt. Price
GPGS-61ML 6ft.1inc. 1 ML 60-150g 1-3# 172g ¥45,000
GPGS-55M 5ft.5inc. 1 M 120-200g 2-4# - ¥45,000
GPGS-61M 6ft.1inc. 1 M 120-200g 2-4# 188g ¥47,000
GPGS-55H 5ft.5inc. 1 H 160-300+g 2.5-6# - ¥48,000 © 2025