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DUO SpearHead Ryuki : DUO Jerk Bait เหยื่อ (Lure)
เหยื่อ (Lure) > Jerk Bait > DUO
DUO SpearHead Ryuki
ความเห็น ดู ความเห็นล่าสุด
38 8,434 21 ก.ย. 61
แนะนำให้ใช้ ราคาซื้อเฉลี่ย
89.47 % ฿ 381
คะแนนด้านคุณภาพ คะแนนด้านราคา คะแนนโดยรวม
8.87 8.00 8.89
DUO SpearHead Ryuki
95S Length 95mm Weight 15g Type Sinking Hook#6
80S Length 80mm Weight 12g Type Sinking Hook#8
70F Length 70mm Weight 5.3g Type Floating Hook #10
70S Length 70mm Weight 9.0g Type Sinking Hook#10
70MDF Length 70mm Weight 5.4g Type Floating Hook#10
60S Length 60mm Weight 6.5g Type Sinking Hook#10
50MDF Length 50mm Weight 3.4g Type Floating Hook #12
50F Length 50mm Weight 2.8g Type Floating Hook #12
50S Length 50mm Weight 4.5g Type Sinking Hook#12
40S Length 45mm Weight 4.0g Type Sinking Hook#12

The flat yet heavy body creates a sharp action response for the heavy weight sinking minnow, Spear-Head Ryuki.
Its action initiation is fast and is capable of staging consecutive twitching with rod work, within a short distance. It is also equipped with a high swimming performance able to deal with the ever complicating current of the main-river stream.
Further, we have stabilized its flight posture realizing great casting distance and accuracy. You will be able to hit that sweet spot!!

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