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Jackall Darts Hog : Jackall Soft Bait เหยื่อ (Lure)
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Jackall Darts Hog
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Jackall Darts Hog
Darts Hog  3.5"
Super Darts Hog  6.5"

Built with a cylindrical body, the Jackall Darts Hog is covered with appendages that give it a mouthwatering presentation as it moves through the water. Molded with eye-catching phantom coloring, the large kick tail of the Jackall Darts Hog can be split into two separate tails to add even more movement. Once it reaches the bottom, the buoyancy of the Jackall Darts Hog keeps the tail upright, and creates a great defensive craw imitation. For a match that is made in hog heaven, combine the Jackall Darts Hog with the unbeatable performance of the Jackall Tungsten Spade Jig.

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